Disclaimer: Please don't be offended by the rant that I am about to go on!
Hi, I'm Phillip Deems, coffee correspondent and I am on the search for the 'Perfect Cup Of Joe'.
I hate disclaimers, but I have to start this post out with one. Why? Because I am about to offend about 1/2 the population of the United States.
Starbucks has done one of the things that I try to accomplish in the ad game every day. Build tremendous 'Brand Recognition'. But does that mean they brew a better cup of coffee, mix a better specialty drink or sell a more tasty pound cake? In my eyes, NO! They just have more money to buy your loyalty. (I think that most people would agree with me if they tried to experience coffee on the level that I do each weekend.) Nope...we are all sheep! We blindly follow all of our 'Brand Loyal' friends who wear Prada, Gucci, Lucky Jeans etc...into the faceless abyss. We all look the same, speak the same and apparently drink the same.
My wife and I have enjoyed our weekend here in Melbourne Beach, Florida...But I saw something today that kind of pissed me off. Let me now explain:
As we were walking down this beautifully quaint and historic area with nothing but hip, local places to eat and shop, I witnessed just how sheepish we really are. Many local shop owners were opening their doors with Starbucks coffee in their hands. Okay, now 1 person is okay, but several...I am baffled. Not 20 yards away from that 'local shop' owner was a 'local coffee shop' brewing better coffees at a much cheaper price. What is wrong with this picture? I think that Starbucks drinking, clothing shop owner would be upset to know that the local coffee shop owner was buying apparel similar to theirs at a store much farther away at a higher cost. Am I wrong here?
Don't get me wrong...I have had Starbucks coffee in every way shape or form in the past, but once the economy took a turn for the worst, I too had to cut cost. So, it opened up a new world for me on accident. I started trying different coffees that were cheaper and found out that I actually liked them better. Case in point, today I am sitting at Le Bon Cafe enjoying a $1.19 cup of Crane Creek Breakfast Blend and it is delicious...And I am getting free refills! Will it make my top 5? I am not sure, but it sure is a better cup of coffee than the much more expensive cup of Starbucks.
So I now ask you...Are You A Sheep? If so, break the mold and branch out. Stop following what everyone else is doing and build your own list of favorites. You will find out that the hyper-local coffee shop is just as good, if not better sometimes. And if you go back to that cup of Starbucks coffee, then you can truly call yourself a fan.
Now call Le Bon Cafe and order a bag of their Signature Blend right now! Here is the number 321-725-2600. You won't be disappointed.
The paradox of insular language
1 year ago